Trust . Acceptance . Innovation . Learning . Fairness . Respect . Unity 


This site will assist you to navigate your way though the Mental Health-Carer Project Initiative. It will highlight the progress of the project from from its beginnging to its current stage and will include the following: 

  • Project Background
  •  Carer Training
  •  BCHS Carer Wellbeing Initiative and Implementation
  • Other relevant information

What to expect: This site contains a comprehensive range of topics relevant to the Mental Health Carers Project and should be used as a resource by staff within BCHS to enhance knowledge of Mental Health Carers, and issues that arise from caring for someone with a mental illness. You will find up to date information regarding the Carer’s Project and the BCHS 'Carer Wellbing Model' that has been developed with the Department of Families, Housing, Community Service and Indigenous Affairs (FaHCSIA) and will be implemented as a process for improving health and wellbeing of carers in our community.


Organisation: Bendigo Community Health Services

Address: 13 Helm Street, Kangaroo Flat

Contact: (03) 54 300 500


Project Manager: Sue McConnachie

Project Worker: Jasmine MaddiganFor more information contact Jasmine via email @ .


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